Enlite Product Updates
Dark POS Support Team
Feb 25, 2024
February Updates
Overview of what changed this month:
Report: Batch Payments
Report: Customer Spend - Detail
Report: Customer Spend - Summary
Report: Favorite Reports Feature
Report: Batch Payments
- On the batch payment report, we’ve added a new column for the reference number and the employee who processed the payment.
Report: Customer Spend - Detail
- Store credit is now showing on the report “Customer Spend - Detail”.
For the store credit WITH negative amount, that is the store credit amount that was used to pay the invoice.
For the store credit with NO negative amount, that is an excess payment and was deposited as a store credit.
Report: Customer Spend - Summary
- This is a NEW report on customers where it will show the store name, name of the customer, total amount of the invoice paid (total paid), and total amount given by the customer (total in).
Report: Favorite Reports Feature
- This new report feature includes added functionality wherein you can now designate specific reports as favorites, thereby streamlining accessibility and enhancing the overall POS experience. This feature enables you to compile a list of frequently utilized reports for easy access, facilitating efficiency in navigating through the platform.
You can check other updates made to our system here: ENLITE PRODUCT UPDATES, JANUARY 2024.
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