According to BusinessDIT, A total of 71 percent of small-to-medium-sized businesses use social media to market themselves in 2023, meaning it’s very likely that your company is part of this majority, having your digital presence up and running. 

Still, being online doesn’t necessarily mean that your business is thriving on the internet, considering that a lot of entrepreneurs don’t have the time to spend it on their platforms, or they just simply ignore it as an integral part of their marketing strategies. 

But having a strong social media presence has become essential for any business’s growth and success, and here are some reasons why:

Customers move on easily 

Customers tend to forget about brands if you don’t remind them constantly that you exist. So don’t use social media only to attract new clients, but also to connect and stay relevant in your customer’s minds. 

40% of users make a purchase decision based on what they see on social media platforms. So don’t miss this opportunity to showcase what you have to offer and boost brand awareness amongst your audience.

Your Competition is on Social Media too.

It’s 2023, so needless to say, your competition is also likely to be part of that 71% mentioned before that has their own social media. By not having a strong digital presence, you are giving them more market share, giving them a chance to engage and connect with your potential and current customers.

It Helps you Build Valuable Relationships with your Customers

When you have a Brick and mortar business, relationships are built over time. In our digital era, you can accelerate the growth of your community thanks to social media. Use the tools that platform like Instagram or Facebook offer to generate interactions with your customers and connect with them, asking for feedback to improve your business, replying to inquiries, and providing insights that can build loyalty and trust.

It’s Cost-Effective Advertising

Social media is free for you to reach your audience. But even if you want to pay and promote a post, the investment is significantly cheaper than a full digital marketing campaign. With a well-planned social media strategy, companies can reach a targeted and wider audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods.

Your Business can Take the Lead in your Field

Use your social media to publish current trends from your industry to build credibility and establish your company as a trustworthy reference in your field. Being active on professional platforms such as LinkedIn will show your competition and your targeted audience that you are a true leader in your area of expertise.

Improves Search Engine Ranking

One of the benefits of having a strong social media presence is that besides gaining visibility and brand awareness, it can also help you boost your search results placement on search engines such as Google. This means that the more engagement you get (likes, comments, shares) on social media, the more likely your business is to appear on top of the search engine results pages.

With millions of people joining social media every day, having social media for your business is no longer a choice, it’s mandatory. Now it’s the time to take advantage of your digital presence to get exposure, boost brand awareness, and grow your business.